Consistent article marketing can be tough. After you have been at it for a while, it can be extremely difficult to find new ideas for article stories. Sometimes the answer can be right under your nose or in front of your face. You can use the media to come up with ideas for your article efforts. This article will give you tips on how the news can be your friend. You can use the news to get ideas for your articles.
The quickest way to see what the hot topics of the day is to just go to Twitter. Usually they will have the trending topics listed on the sidebar. Usually there will be at least one topic that you can pick to write about. If you are a business writer, find something about a trending topic that you can apply to business and write about that. If you write in the parenting niche look for a parenting angle. It takes some creative thinking, but you can usually find something that’s trending and make an article about it.
Another way to use the media to get article ideas is to read press releases. There are several websites that do nothing but publish press releases people have written. A lot of times you can draw ideas from other people’s press releases. Chances are you can pull out some pain points or common questions your niche might have just from reading a few press releases claiming to have solved the problem your niche is having.
It can be hard coming up with original ideas for articles everyday. Look around you. Pay attention to what you can’t seem to get away from. Figure out how to apply that to your niche. This is one good way to beat writer’s block when it happens. Now let’s get busy writing great original articles.